Acuity of 20/40 vision minimum and a field of vision of 70° with both eyes together and individually with or without corrective lenses

An individual who does not satisfy, with the worse eye, either the distance Acuity or the field of vision may still be able to get their medical card if a Vision Evaluation Report Form MCSA-5871 is filled out and signed by a ophthalmologist or optometrist and given the the medical examiner no more that 45 days after the form was signed.

Procedure for Certification:

1. Ophthalmologist or Optometrist provides Vision Evaluation Report Form MCSA-5871, to the Medical Examiner attesting that the driver has a stable vision deficiency and that sufficient time has passed since the vision deficiency became stable to adapt to the change in vision.

2. The certified ME must receive the form and begin the medical examination no later than 45 days after the date on the signed form.

3. This regulation does not apply to drivers who cannot recognize the colors of traffic signals and devices showing standard red, green, and amber. Such drivers do not meet the vision regulatory standard and must be disqualified.

4. The driver may be certified for up to a maximum of 12 months.

5. Drivers qualified under this alternative vision standard for the first time must complete a road test before operating in interstate commerce. The employing motor carrier conducts the road test; it is not the responsibility of the examiner. Individuals are excepted from the road test if they have 3 years of intrastate or specific excepted interstate CMV/

Vision Evaluation Report MCSA-5871